Lighting for Food Availability: An Appetite for Change

The global population is growing faster than our food supply; innovation in lighting is part of the solution

At Signify, sustainability is core to everything we do. Our business and consumer customers expect to work with companies that make a positive contribution. Operating sustainably is not at odds with our growth, but is our guiding direction and competitive advantage.

With this in mind, we have identified five strategic areas where we will grow our business while furthering our contribution to create brighter lives and a better world. These five growth areas are defined based on the major trends facing society and on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We’ve already written about Climate Action and Circularity. In this feature, we explore the topic of food availability.

Harvest for the world

The world’s population is growing at a staggering speed. It’s estimated that we’ll need to produce 70% more food in the next 15 years just to keep up. It’s clear that food production as we know it is not going to cut it. To feed everyone adequately, our global food supply needs nothing short of a revolution.

We need to produce 70% more food in the next 15 years just to feed our growing population”

Our appetites have changed, too. Consumers are demanding food that’s better in quality, fresher and healthier. And that’s not the only consideration. It’s likely that many of our foods have racked up air miles on the way to our plate, contributing to a less-than-healthy carbon footprint.

As a global society, we have an immediate challenge to meet our demand for produce while protecting our climate, water and other environmental resources.

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